Working solo with Productivity, Managing Time.

Creating a comfortable environment around self :
We as human beings are social animals, thus we need people around us many times even if we do feel like a loner or introvert. Thus by creating a friendly and cosy environment around oneself may help you in keeping your mental peace and work more fruitfully. Don’t be shy to start a conversation, Remember? You and your best friend also started with a ‘Hi’ and ended up knowing each other’s deepest darkest secrets 😉
Scheduling your tasks in the start of the day :
Creating time slots for each individual task and working accordingly can help you in reducing stress and completing the work in a given time. As you already have an idea about how much time a particular task may take up, you can schedule accordingly. Thus after checking your ‘to-do’ list on a daily basis, there won’t be much pressure on you at the end of the month as well.