Leisure; Work-Life balance

Reading Time: 2 minutes
As we know, our generation is full of workhorses and go-getters. Everyone of us is running behind money and jobs. Only people who are not struggling are the ones who either already have enough money or the ones who turned to a spiritual part of their lives and doesn’t care about lifestyle or societal norms. Even the human bonds made in today’s life are totally materialistic. While running in this endless race, it becomes nearly impossible for us to find some time for ourselves. But for maintaining our mental and physical health, it is important for us to find some time for leisure and self improvement. There are many ways we can do so while working productively.
Create a to-do list :
While you create a to-do list and work according to that, you can always complete the given task on time and the pressure on you is automatically reduced. Many of us get panicked by seeing that we have a lot on our plate currently, without realising that just by knowing what to do and scheduling it accordingly can make half of your work easy. You can also work in a more adequate manner if you work according to the schedule.
Take breaks :
You can take small breaks while working which allows your brain to think more efficiently. Just shifting from your usual desk to the lounge area as well can make enough difference. Working continuously for hours or jumping from one task to another will only make you more tired which again, causes you to be more irritable and grouchy. These are the times when co-working spaces can help you out. There are places where you can sit and have some time for yourselves, have hot beverages, etc. No more distractions or monotonous atmospheres.

Find your interests :
Everyone of us has a hobby, something which we enjoy doing, like singing, dancing, playing, reading, or anything that can make our heart at peace. Practising these on a daily basis can help us reduce anxiety. Studies show that compared to people who did not have hobbies, those who did report better health, reduced symptoms of depression, more happiness and higher life satisfaction. So finding at least 1 hour for your hobbies will only benefit you.
Healthy lifestyle :
We can only work productively if we are fit and sound. Many of us fail to understand that our physical and mental health reflects on our daily work. Hence by eating healthy and exercising regularly we can lead a better life. Apart from these, a sound sleep for 8 hours is also very important, for you to feel fresh throughout the day. Practising yoga and meditation can help to sustain a peaceful atmosphere.
– Shreya Nair